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Privacy Policy

Viale Verdi 56
34074 Monfalcone (GO) ITALY
Phone.  +39 0481 412525
Fax. +39 0481 790575



 Information pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003. (Consolidated Text on the provisions on the protection of personal data)


1. Information on privacy


Please find below some information and warnings on how to manage the site for the purpose of protecting personal data.


2. Purpose of processing 


The processing of the data provided by you is only aimed at the correct and complete execution of the service requested by you.


3. Processing of personal data  


The processing will be carried out on computer. The provision of data is optional, any refusal to provide such data may result in the failure or partial performance of the service.

The ownership of the data, provided voluntarily, and processed following consultation of the site, is attributed to LYNX s.r.l. with registered office in Monfalcone (GO), Viale Verdi 56 P.I 02705230304, which treats the same data, as well as for the optimization of the use of the site, for the following purposes: 

- sending of information, technical and/or commercial circulars both electronically and on paper 

- paper and/or electronic promotional and/or marketing activities 

- sending of price lists, catalogues, technical instructions, samples, etc... 

- completion of market research 

- drafting of budgets and statistics. 


The data processing is carried out by the owner with paper, computer, telematic on computer systems and servers in its availability, by the internal staff in charge, including the staff of LYNX s.r.l., Viale Verdi 56 in Monfalcone - 34074 (GO) that processes the data in order to manage the site in the best way with computer and telematic methods.

LYNX s.r.l. collects data relating to access and navigation within the sites to allow the operation of services and sections that require user identification and uses the information collected for the technical administration of the site and for any statistical analysis about the use of the site itself. LYNX s.r.l. uses global statistical data on the type of traffic and other information related to the site, without spreading or communicating to third parties data relating to the individual user. Any form of dissemination or communication to third parties is excluded (except for service providers appointed, within the stated purposes).


4. Rights of the data subject 


Data subjects can at any time verify the processed data and exercise all of the rights provided for by art. 7 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 (including those of rectification, updating and cancellation) by sending an email to:


5. Cookies 


On this site we do not use c.d. persistent "cookies" of any kind, nor do we track IP addresses, nor do we use other similar systems of long-term tracking of users. The use of session cookies (that is, temporary cookies that expire when the browser session is closed) is strictly functional to the optimization of the use of the site, and therefore to ensure the best navigation within the site. Other sites on which this site may possibly "link" may contain tracking systems to which the owner of the site is alien. It is not guaranteed that these external sites are equipped with adequate security systems to protect the data processed and to prevent damage (e.g. from computer viruses).


6. Consent and specific information


In the site, for particular processing purposes or for certain types of data, there are special information notices and, where necessary, also express requests for consent.


7. Site security measures 


For the management of the site, specific security measures have been adopted, aimed at ensuring safe access and protecting the information contained therein from risks of loss or destruction, including accidental. The antivirus software used in the management of the site is updated on a daily basis. In addition, LYNX s.r.l. while ensuring the adoption of appropriate Antivirus systems, recalls that, in addition to being a legal obligation, it is appropriate for the user to equip his workstation with a system of prevention and scanning against the attack of viruses. To access the reserved part of the site, users are assigned an identification code and a password; these passwords are generated on the proposal of the same users. You must keep your password confidential. You must use a browser that accepts the 128-bit encryption level (e.g. Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 sp2 or higher or Netscape Navigator 6 or higher) to navigate the restricted areas of the sites.


8. Details


Please note that this document constitutes the "Privacy Policy" of this site that will be subject to updates.



Google Analytics Google Analytics (hereinafter simply "Analytics") is a statistical service offered by Google Inc. whose headquarters is at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States. It is aimed at tracking access to websites and web resources and allows the administrators of the same to generate and view data in aggregate and anonymous for statistical purposes. Google Analytics requires, for its operation, the presence on the pages of the site of a tracking code that identifies the pages visited by users, domain names and browser type of computers used et al. These data are considered anonymous, because they do not allow identification of the user’s identity.


Purpose of treatment


The data collected is used by Google for statistical purposes, in order to evaluate the correct use of the site and to improve its effectiveness.


Processing of personal data


The processing of the collected data is managed by Google Inc. through computer and telematic tools with logics strictly related to the purposes outlined below and, in any case, in order to ensure the security and confidentiality of the data. For its operation Google Analytics uses cookies and the information on the use of the site by visitors generated by them are transmitted to Google and stored at its servers in the United States. Google will not associate the IP address used by the user for navigation to any other data relating to it and possibly owned by itself, unless the user specifically accepts the privacy policy and terms of service of Google Inc... These activities and services are not related to the use of the website, which is not responsible for the processing of personal data. The data collected by the Analytics service is transferred to the servers of Google Inc. and processed there. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required by law or where such third parties process the information on Google’s behalf.




The user can at any time disable the use of cookies from his browser; such a choice may cause difficulties to navigate the site. The user cannot refuse the partial collection of data by the Google Analytics software. In this case, users are invited to stop browsing the site.

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